If you have any questions regarding the content on this site, here are steering committee members to contact for assistance.
Elaine Czarnecki ecz.read@gmail.com
Laura Arnhold larnhold@mclinc.org
Paula Bannon pbannon@schlowlibrary.org
Kim King pfmlkids@ptd.net
Betty Lawson blawson@waynelibraries.org
Mary Beth Parks parkssm@carnegielibrary.org
Becky Pollino-Martinazzi martinazzir@cclsys.org
Lisa Schmittle lschmittle@yorklibraries.org
Susan Slater sslater@warrenlibrary.org
Heather Smith hsmith@elancolibrary.org
Mary Ann Yonki mayonki@osterhout.lib.pa.us